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league activities


Pelican Bay Women's League President Mary Burns and other PBWL ladies attending a luncheon event


The League hosts monthly luncheons at area country clubs during season, October through May. Venues include area country clubs and restaurants. First class entertainment if offered featuring area musicians, singers, and theater organizations.

Members of the Herb Studies Interest Group of Pelican Bay Women's League


Interest groups are offered to enrich the lives of members as well as provide the opportunity to make new friends. Each season new groups are added and all are led by passionate volunteers. Each November we offer a Welcome Back Coffee, open to all women in Pelican Bay, that features tables of information and the leaders to explain events and offer sign up. Interest groups include:

Acoustic Music Group, At Home Coffees, Bay Widows, Beach Read Book Club, Birding, Book Group, Bridge Ladies Tuesday, Canasta,  French Culture & Language, Hand and Foot, Herb Study Group, Junior Member Group, Kneedlers Knit and Crochet, Lunch & Learn, Mah Jongg (all levels), Memoir Writing, Mindfulness and Meditation, Pelican Bay Songbirds, Pickleball, Play Readers, Tech Learners, Wednesday Walkers, Women of Watercolor, Writer’s Group

Members of Pelican Bay Women's League during a Lunch & Learn Tour of Shangri-La Springs


Tours of area museums, organizations and businesses are featured each season followed by lunch at the venue or a nearby restaurant. Other experiences include food tastings, art adventures, music or antique collections, and mini-bus tours to nearby communities. The guided events highlight the treasures of our community and offer the opportunity to explore unexpected places or enjoy unusual experience.


In season, we offer anticipated annual events such as our Back to the Bay dinner at T-Michaels or a fancy gala in the spring. Other special events include themed food tastings by local caterers, tours and events for couples, the annual Welcome Back Coffee, a New Member Event, and the Ambassador Social.


We offer community outreach groups that are open to any woman in Pelican Bay. These groups are ways to experience the community of spirit that the is part of our organization.

The Speaker Series is held January through March on Mondays at 3:00 p.m. at the Community Center and features Pelican Bay women who share their expertise or unique experiences.

The Kneedlers Knit and Crochet meet weekly and gather to knit, crochet and sews lap blankets, dolls and other items to give to local organizations.

Pelican Bay Songbirds meet and practice January through March, under the direction of an area musician, and sing for nursing homes and also for events in Pelican Bay.

The annual Pelican Bay Art Show is held each spring at the Community Center and calls for all artists in Pelican Bay to submit their works and the event is open to all in Pelican Bay.

To learn how to participate email us [email protected]

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We are looking forward to meeting you and including you as a part of our friendly group. Whether you are here for a month or the season, sign up for what works for you and your lifestyle!


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